Change is inevitable. Transforming into your Truths can be uncomfortable. However, it’s during discomfort where we find our True Purpose of Life.
Let’s journey through Sonkissed’s spiritual healing and alignment with her soul’s purpose, that continues touching the lives of individuals on her path. From a Commissioned Army Officer (CPT), to Single-Motherhood, and a Certified Parent Life Coach.
Sonkissed expresses her journeys and life experiences through her poetic writings and spoken words with her motivations for healing from a victim-survival mentality into the High vibrational Divine Goddess Energy.
Gratitude, Love, and Peace are in clear sight;
bringing you joy and delight with Different Strokes from her right.
Gracefully walking through the Journey of Life; she marvels at the new adventures her young son brings.
Giving Thanks to The Creator for the joy revealed in the Simple Things.
Visionary of her own reality, becoming aligned with her destiny and Truths. Writings of a new journeys and new beginnings are the stories her ink sings.
While Mastering Universal Laws and Life Principles, she passionately coaches Parents to their purpose in life and feeling the gratitude and love for Everything!

"Daughter of The Divine Mother Gaia, I infinitely create experiences of love to ensure my son has the best life and to Be who he's Chosen to Be."

I am Touched by the son thru The Divine Creators Sun.
Through the Sun’s energy and rays from above, we are spiritually being guided by The Divine Creators to a Greater Life’s Purpose.
- SonKissed Soul